
Child!PrussiaXReader Pt.4

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MasterofDice's avatar

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I stared down at my dinner, unwilling to touch it. There wasn't a single potato on my plate. Never have I eaten dinner without potatoes! EVER! And yet ___ has the audacity to serve me something known as a cheeseburger! DO I LOOK LIKE HER BROTHER, ALFRED?! I DON'T THINK SO! What was even worse, there wasn't beer in my glass. It was water. Bland liquid. Ludwig didn't seem to be affected by this dinner but damn it! I WANTED POTATOES AND BEER!

___ rubbed my back, "Is something wrong?"

"Vhat happened to zhe potatoes?"

"I…Well…Forgot to buy more…"

"Un zhe beer?"

"You know you can't drink that at the age of nine!"

"But I vant it!" I gestured to the piece of crap before me, "Zhis isn't culture!"

"Vhat do you know about culture?" Ludwig muttered.

"Zhat people like sex~"

For some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night alone. ___ wasn't cuddling me! I WANT TO BE CUDDLED! Immediately I flipped the blankets off of me and went to search for my awesome girlfriend so that I could inform her about the rules of cuddling. It doesn't stop until I say so. That's it. She knows I get cold without her comforting arms wound around me, although it should be the other way around but I'm too damn small. Fritz…Where is she?!

Then I heard crying as I passed one of the empty bedrooms. Hesitantly I opened the door to see my awesome girlfriend sitting in the corner of the white room with tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart nearly tore into pieces to see her in such a state, I don't even remember if I've ever seen her cry before! Running over to ___, softly my hands lifted her face so that she was facing me. Her eyes remained shut as her sobbing continued though and yet I wiped her tears away with my thumbs. Why was Her Awesomeness so upset? Did Ludwig eat her yogurt? Damn it! NOT THE YOGURT!

"___? ___, stop crying…"

She shook her head.

I bit my lip before speaking again, "Vas it zhe yogurt? I can replace it if you vish!"

"N-no," ___ managed a tiny smile, "I'm just crying tears of joy."

"Don't lie to me, frau! You're upset, un I know yogurt has to do vith it." I stared at her, waiting for a response, but she continued to cry. I kissed her forehead, "I'll be back! Just vait here…"

We sat in the middle of the room where moonlight poured in from a window with no shades. I played my violin for her, the same song I played when I was serenading to her years ago. ___ had calmed down during this time of music and shuddered after weeping for so long but was glad of my comfort. I knew it. She also ate yogurt that I brought to her, surprisingly Ludwig didn't eat it. So our time together was in perfect peace as the night dragged on and my violin continued to give off sweet notes.

(Le Flashback)

I looked up at the second-story window at the beautifully awesome __ who was standing behind it. She was dressed in a Guns N' Roses t-shirt and pajama shorts, just the kind of girl I liked. Grinning, I pointed my violin bow up at her, "You, mein frau, are going to be mein awesome girlfriend!"

"I've been telling you no since third grade!"

"Vell now it's tenth!"

___ laughed, "Doesn't change anything."

"Oh? But zhis will!"

And I began playing mein awesome violin for her. A gentle wind rolled by as I did so, making my body cool down as nervousness wracked my body. What if I messed up? What if she doesn't like it? Did ___ even like violins?! I bit my tongue and closed my eyes as I played a memorized song, something awesome that I made up on my own.

Once the song was done though, I saw that ___ was still at her window, eating a yogurt. She seemed content with herself to have a snack while music was playing. "Did you like it?"

"Hm…" She held up a rose and flung it out the window, "Maybe."

I caught the gentle flower, "Is zhis a symbol of our love?" I asked hopefully.



"Gilbert Beilschmidt, do you honestly think I just threw the rose out the window because I didn't want it?"


"It's for you."

"As a symbol of our love?!" I repeated.

"Depends, do you love me, Gil?"


Packing my violin and its' bow away, I set the rose on the case before dashing towards the house. Carefully I climbed up the wall with the use of those weird fence-looking things that vine-plant-thingies grow on. After reaching the top, ___ helped me climb through her window so that we stood facing each other.

She reddened when I took her hand and kissed it. But her cheeks became even more flushed once my lips met hers. I wrapped my arms around ___'s waist, holding her body against mine as I kissed her as gently as I could. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she tried to lower my head down so that she didn't have to stand on tip-toe any longer. A groan escaped me when the awesome frau before me began to kiss back with much more courage than before. Fritz, this felt good~

"Say it," ___ whispered.

"Ich liebe dich, ___ (last name)…"

"Now in English~"

I smirked, "I love you, ___ (last name), forever un always."

(Le Normal Time)

___ kept me in a tight hold as we lied in bed together. There was only a few more hours until morning and I knew I should go to sleep but I was worried. My awesome girlfriend might start weeping again, I wanted to be awake in order to comfort her. She didn't show any signs of any feelings at all when I looked up. Her eyes just seemed to be staring off into space…Quietly I touched her cheek in hopes that she would tell me what was wrong. After all, the Awesome Me will listen to anything she has to say.

But she remained silent.

"Vhy von't you talk to me?" I whispered.

"It's something we can talk about once you're back to your older self."

Immediately I sat up, "Nein, I vant to know now." Placing my hands on either side of her face, I leaned forward, "You've been acting different lately."

___'s lips remained closed.

"I'm your boyfriend, zhe one who cares zhe most about you. Vhat's zhe matter?"

"…It was our anniversary yesterday."

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Every year, we celebrated the day we first became a couple. Mainly it consisted of plenty of sex and beer. Lots of it. I gave a shaky smile, "We still have next year, right?"


"Un vhen I'm back to mein awesome age, I'll grant you anything you vant! Alright?"

"You don't have to-"

"The Awesome Me knows vhat he's doing," gently I kissed her cheek, "always."

But I had a strange feeling that there was something else to it…
Not much comedy, but this is what I get for listening to a sad song on repeat for hours on end.

Edit: I find it funny to see the comments of people freaking out, believing that they know what this "secret" is. Just wait until the "secret" is uncovered...

Comment if possible...

Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Part 4: HERE
Part 5: [link]
Part 6: [link]
Part 7: [link]
Part 8 END: [link]

Hetalia characters don't belong to me
Storyline belongs to me
You don't belong to me
Mikkihg, you belong to me
© 2012 - 2024 MasterofDice
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sarpndo's avatar
waah, poor reader. :( XD prussia.